【Tzu Chi This Week】2017/02/25 Toronto winter aid distribution 多倫多街友發放

多倫多街友發放 Since 2005, theTzu Chi Toronto Branch in Canada has been collaborating with a local organization, Street Health, to host a winter aid distribution for the homeless at a church every year. Recently, they held the event again to care for more than 250 homeless people by distributing clothing and hot vegetarian meals.


靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms

未來的是妄想 ,過去的是雜念,要保護此時此刻的愛心,謹守自己當下的本份。
The future is an illusion, the past is a memory. Hold on to the goodness that is in our heart at this present moment and take care to fulfill the duties that we have at hand.