【DaAi Headlines】20181114 The Parliament of the World’s Religions & Dharma Masters from the Jing Si Abode


The Parliament of the World’s Religions took place in Toronto, Canada. This year, 2 Dharma Masters from the Jing Si Abode in Hualien, Taiwan, attended the event, to represent the Tzu Chi Foundation. They strongly promoted the concepts of Vegetarianism, Environmental Protection, and how different religious organizations, all need to unite, in order to spread the power of Great Love, to all of Humanity.

在加拿大舉辦的世界宗教論壇,討論氣候變遷問題如何應對,兩位靜思精舍的法師,代表慈濟參加,傳播素食護生,護地球的理念,再者 慈濟援貧助弱,需要和不同宗教組織合作,因此,希望不同宗教團結一起,凝聚愛的力量。


After the Parliament of the World’s Religions venue came to a close, the Dharma Masters took the time to visit the newly opened, Tzu Chi Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, within the Humber College Campus. The Dharma Masters related the message, of just how grateful Tzu Chi is, for their full support, of promoting TCM treatment in Western society.


靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms

The more we give, the more grounded, we will feel.