DaAiHeadlines 20190920 加援巴哈馬打包

加拿大慈濟志工與Global Medic合作,幫助巴哈馬群島受颶風肆虐的居民。

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I'm Simon Gan. Thank you for joining us. Hurricane Dorian, the second-largest hurricane in the history of Atlantic Ocean, caused great devastation in the Bahamas. 70,000 are thought to be homeless and in need of urgent assistance. Global Medic, collected relief goods for the disaster area inviting Tzu Chi volunteer to lend a helping hand.

靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms


In this world, there is no one I do not love, no one I do not trust, and no one I cannot forgive.
證嚴法師靜思語 Dharma Master Cheng Yen's Jing Si Aphorisms