
在百喻經中有一則很有趣的短文 - 有一位父親,年老多病,但是他很有錢、財產很多。老人有兩個兒子,當他病重時很掛慮那些財產,於是說:「將來我要把財產分給這兩個兒子,不過,一定要分得很公平。」到底要怎麼分法?他說:「請我們族裡年齡最長的長輩來做公平的見證人。」交代之後老人就過世了。

There is an interesting story from the Sutra of One Hundred Parables. An elderly and sick father was worried about dividing his wealth fairly between his two sons. He said from his deathbed: “I would like my two sons to share my assets equally after my death”. But, how should they satisfy this wish? The father said: “Go and get the oldest elder in our clan to be the judge.” Upon conveying the message, he passed away.

To carry out the father’s wishes, the sons sought to have an elder to be the judge to help with dividing the father’s assets. An elder came and said: “The only way to fulfil your father’s wishes is to divide everything into two halves.” It sounded reasonable. Therefore, the sons had people to help them cut everything into two halves, be it clothes, bowls, dishes, and furniture. Everything was divided into two equal halves.

Although this is a short story, its meaning is profound. How could things be precisely and equally divided? It is unachievable! Should it be done to such a requirement, then everything will be destroyed. If people are unable to compromise, nothing useful can be kept.

Everything seems fair to a person with a contented mind. He feels rich simply by being contented. Therefore, everything depends on the mind! Learning Buddhism is to learn this way – feel rich and be satisfied, always grateful to accept any circumstances in life.

We meet each other in this life due to accumulated karma and affinities created over past lives. We may still have a long way to go in the future. Therefore, cherish the affinities we have now by caring and respecting each other. Don’t be too hard and demanding as it will lead to losing one’s respect. The harder a person is, the less respect he will get. In the end, he loses everything.

Translated by Liz Chen, Edited by Ray Lee, Sydney,Australia