- 開學日期:2024年9月22日 (9am -11:50am)
- 註冊方式:
1. 線上報名 及 繳費方式:
2. 郵寄方式:
Attention:黃淑珍校長 Jane Shu-Chen Huang
Tzu Chi Academy for the Humanities in North Toronto
20 Wertheim Crt, Unit# 21, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B 3A8
支票抬頭請開立: B.T.C.A.F.T.H.
3. 使用 e-Transfer 繳付學費的email address如下:
請家長們在 e-Transfer 時,在message部份請務必填寫清楚如下的資料:
Gr.2 Student Name at Tzu Chi Academy Tuition Fee 520
e-Transfer 成功後,請家長們立即轉寄e-Transfer的郵件及學生的註冊單 (jpg或pdf)至底下黃淑珍校長的email address:
2024~2025年學雜費Tuition:$520/year 共30週 (同一家庭之第二位$500/year,第三位$480/year,第四位$460/year,依姓氏及居住地址判定) 詳情請參考註冊報名表。
完成註冊後,任課老師將於九月初與您聯繫,請您留意。如有其他疑問,請隨時與學校保持聯繫。Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 or Tel:647-913-6936
退費條款 Withdrawal Policy
• 開學日前辦理退費:全額退費 Full refunds before the start of the school year.
• 開學日第一週當天辦理退費:退1/2學費 Refund 50% of tuition fee on the 1st day of school.
• 開學第二週,恕不退費。 The second week after classes start, a refund will not be issued.
• 如果約克區教育局因為惡劣天氣或罷工等原因導致不租借學校,本校當天必須停課,將不予補課,造成不便,敬請見諒。If YRDSB cancels school rental permit due to bad weather conditions or strike etc, there will be no classes on that day.
慈濟北多倫多人文學校 感恩合十
Dear Parents,
Tzu Chi Academy for the Humanities in North Toronto has begun to accept student registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
The September 2024~2025 registration information is as follows:
- School open: September 22, 2024
- Registration method:
1. Online Registration Form and payment methods:
2. By Mail:
Please mail the cheque with a complete "Registration Form" (attached) together to the following address:
Attention: Jane Shu-Chen Huang (Principal)
Tzu Chi Academy for the Humanities in North Toronto
20 Wertheim Crt, Unit# 21, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B 3A8
Cheque payable to: B.T.C.A.F.T.H.
Please memo the student's name and class. A postdated cheque is not accepted
3. e-Transfer Payment Method:
*e-transfer to
In the Message box, please indicate the student's name and the grade at Tzu Chi Academy Tuition Fee 520.
For example:
Gr.2 Student Name at Tzu Chi Academy Tuition Fee 520
*After e-Transfer, please send the e-Transfer confirmation along with the registration form (jpg or pdf) to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
*You will get a confirmation email from the school after we receive your tuition fee payment and the registration form.
2024~2025 Tuition:$520/year -- 30 weeks (2nd child from the same family $500/year, 3rd child $480/year, 4th child $460/year, based on surname and address)
After completing the registration, the teacher will contact you in early September. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school. Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Thank you for your support.
Tzu Chi Academy for the Humanities in North Toronto