
貧苦夫妻中秋賞月 Indigent couple enjoys moon-watching during Mid-autumn Festival
There once was an indigent couple who did heavy physical work everyday.  They lived in a house with a leaking roof which they couldn't afford to repair.  When the moon is full during mid-autumn, most families would go out and have reunions, enjoying the festivities as in eating mooncakes.  The couple was so poor that couldn't even afford mooncakes, so they decided to go to bed early.  In their bedroom, the wife noticed a couple of round objects on the ground and exclaimed: "Old mate, we have got two copper coins!"


The couple then started to think about what to do with the money they found--perhaps start a business.  The husband planned to purchase chicks, grow them to produce eggs and hatchlings, and expand to a large flock.  Sell the chickens to buy lamb, grow the lambs in pasture, increase the herd, sell the lambs to purchase cattle, populate and sell cattle to establish a small business, then expand to a bigger enterprise, and so forth, repeating the same scheme to increase their wealth. 


The wife was delighted with the idea becoming a business proprietor. The husband also dreamed of becoming a businessman.  He then started imagining of getting a beautiful mistress as his next move.  When the wife heard this, she exploded with rage and screamed at him.  The neighbours outside upon hearing the commotion came over and saw them in a huge row.


When the neighbours found out the reason for the fight, they started searching for the two coins.  They discovered that the "coins" were not really coins but was in fact moonlight which shone through the holes on the roof.


Human's unbridled ambitions and relentless pursuits are actually empty illusions, merely fantasies which only result in causing misery and disappointment.  We must learn to control our selfish desires; and strive to foster love to benefit humankind.

Translated by Hung Jiew Lee Edited by Roger Yu, Sydney, Australia