It is difficult to, remain grateful , in destitution, but a person, who does good, with a grateful heart is, less likely to, fall into destitution.
Master Cheng Yen's Jing Si Aphorisms
Learn to remain undisturbed in the tumult of people and events. Remain at peace within even when busy and occupied.
Master Cheng Yen's Jing Si Aphorisms
夫妻間相處的言行,不僅是直接的身教,也將是子女們的處世範本。 Through their speech and behavior toward one another, parents are actually teaching their children by example, which becomes the model children use in their future behavior.
處順境用「無常觀」,處逆境用「因緣觀」。 Realize the impermanence in life when times are good; accept our karma when times are bad.
心如鏡。雖外在景物不斷轉變,鏡面卻不會轉動,此即境轉而心不轉。 Let our mind, be like a mirror—, while the images reflected, are constantly changing, the mirror itself, remains unchanged.
想要家庭吉祥、和睦,就應該常常起歡喜心, 天天為自己的家庭祝福。 To have a warm and happy family, we should nurture a heart of joy, and shower our family with blessings.
一個人不怕錯,就怕不改過,改過並不難。 Fear not , the making of mistakes, but rather, the reluctance , to correct ourselves., It is in fact, not that difficult, for us to change.
一個缺口的杯子,如果換一個角度看它,它仍然是圓的。 Chipped though the cup , may be,, if you look at the cup, from a different angle, you’ll see that, the rest of it, is still perfect.
菩薩不是土塑木刻的形象,真正的菩薩能做事、能說話、能吃飯,能尋聲救苦隨處現身。 Bodhisattvas are not idols made of wood; , real Bodhisattvas are people who eat, talk, , work, and relieve suffering in times of need.
處理事情,感情要蘊藏在理智中;與人相處,則要把感情表現在理智上。 In handling matters, let your mind influence your heart., In dealing with people, let your heart influence your mind.
能付出愛心就是福,能消除煩惱就是慧。 The ability to love, is a blessing., The ability to , eliminate afflictions , is wisdom.
學佛,就是要學會及時改正錯誤的觀念。 Practicing Buddhism, is about learning to, promptly correct, our wrong views.
有知足心,才懂感恩;有感恩,才會善解;有善解,才能凡事包容。 Being content helps us, to be appreciative., Having gratitude helps us, to see things, in their positive light., Being this way, we will, become a more, tolerant and, understanding person.
口說好話,心想好意,身行好事,腳走好路。 Speak kind words, think good thoughts, do good deeds, and walk the right path.
生氣,就是拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己。 Getting angry is actually, to punish yourself, with other people’s mistakes.
千里之路,必須從第一步開始;聖人的境域,也是自凡夫起步。 The journey, of a thousand miles, begins with one first step., Even the saint was once, an ordinary human being.
人生為人群付出多少,就得多少踏實感。 The more we give, the more grounded, we will feel.
好事要提得起,是非要放得下,成就別人即是成就自己。 Take up good deeds and, let go of hard feelings., In helping others to, fulfill their goal, we too gain.
人的心地就像一畝田,若沒有播下好的種 子,也長不出好的果實來。 Our mind is like a garden, if no good seeds are sown , nothing good will grow from it.
陪伴父母要歡喜,而不是應付責任。 Giving time , to our parents, is about , spending time with them,with joy, not merely out of, a sense of duty.